

Hello! My name is Leslie Speakman. First let me state for the record, I am not a medical doctor, I am not a licensed therapist, I am not a life coach (yet) and I am not an expert on anything. What I am is a woman that has been obese my entire life. I was the proverbial “chubby baby”, the child that “needed to lose her baby fat”, the fat teenager that did not date and tried every fad diet and now I am the “morbidly obese” woman.

I know what it feels like to hate your body. I know what it feels like to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and feel so depressed. I know what it feels like to have people say hurtful things about you because of your weight. I have lived in this skin, this body, my entire life. I know what it feels like to hate yourself and want to punish yourself for not being what society thinks you should be. I know what it feels like to be lonely and depressed. I have been through it, I still struggle with it.

My goal with this blog is to form a community, a place where women can feel free to share their feelings and their thoughts about their weight and their struggles with dieting. My sincerest hope is that as a community we can support each other and be there for each other when times are rough and during times of happiness.


56 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Hi Leslie. I have been slim and I have been fat. When I was slim I didn’t appreciate my beauty, I still criticized myself and was dissatisfied. Now I am on the larger side and am in some ways more content, I try to be satisfied with my size and shape while still trying to get exercise for health’s sake. Thank you for sharing your story. Michelle


    • I am so very honored that you feel this way about the blog! This blog has been my dream and passion for a very long time, I finally decided to make it happen. I will be 40 in 13 months and I felt like it was time to start making things happen in my life. I hope you continue to visit my blog and get useful information and inspiration.


      • I am so glad you did it! It is such an inspirational space in the blogging world. I will for sure continue to visit it. Thank you for being so awesome 🙂


  2. I am sorry to read about your struggles, society is cruel, I have been bony all my life and still people talked about me getting some meat on my skin. No matter what you are, you’ll be judged, so I wish people can live their lives without any interferences from societal what- is- good- and -what- is -bad.


  3. Great name for your blog, great idea. One that I totally understand.
    On another note, thanks for stopping by “It Is What It Is” …. I hope you enjoy your visits there. Tight Latin hugs!!


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  5. Hello Leslie, it is nice to meet you. I like your About page. Thank you for following my blog. It’s imperative to understand the weight problem plaguing many of us. I wish you the best with your outreach to offering a blog to discuss, and encourage others that need help, and support. 🙂


  6. A.PROMPTreply

    Leslie, thank you for finding and following my blog. I’m on a bit of a break right now (major relocation happening in my life which I’m trying to survive!) but I’ll be back to check out your blog as soon as I’m back to normal life! I very much look forward to discovering it just from what I’ve read on your About page here! Thank you again!


  7. Thanks for the follow! Food is tough; I am a recovering anorexic and throughout my 27 years of living with it, I have never been happy with my body so I understand what you mean. I think that the most important thing that we can do for ourselves if to figure out how to love ourselves for who we are inside of our minds divorced from the outer perimeter. That is so much easier to type than to actually accomplish but we are works in progress.


  8. My prayer is that your insight may offer comfort to many. I know the agony of struggling with weight, which I did most of my life until I had a kidney transplant and the side effects of the medications gave me digestive issues. I wouldn’t recommend this as a weight loss plan, though. One thing I’d like to mention though–although I am now actually underweight my mind still tells me “fat.” So much of it is in our imprinted self-image, I suppose. Bless you. And thanks for following me.


  9. Andie

    Wow! What a story and brave to tell it! I am a dutch blogger, and you have followed my blog, thanks for that. I love your style of writing, keep going!

    Kiss Andie!


  10. Hi there, it is with pleasure that I have nominated you for the Premio Dardos award. The rules are simple: all you need to do is nominate 15 blogs, nice and easy. Here is the link to the post: http://wp.me/p4Do1g-u4. I hope you will accept it, but if not… nevermind, I still like your blog and this is a token of my appreciation!


  11. It’s an adventure that one day leads to walking lightly along a sandy beach.

    You might want to consider your ancestry. Some come from regions where small bu frequent tells your body there is plenty of food around and no need to store it. Some come from regions where it is necessary to be a hunter/slender and so eat less frequently but high in protein (low fat though),

    Whatever your route, I hope it works for you and good luck. And, don’t hate yourself, if you have even a little good will to the world then you are of more import to its evolution tan many others. 🙂


  12. HI, thank you for stopping by my blog…and I was delighted you did because it meant that I found yours. You sound to me like you are a strong, powerful woman, and yes, you have lots of guts! WP is a great community and full of wonderful people ready to be supportive.


  13. Hi, and thank you for following my blog. I find myself in complete sympathy with your message and your mission, because I am in similar state. Unfortunately for your preconditions, though, I am male. The very best of luck in pursuing your goals.


  14. Leslie, I appreciate your message and efforts. May you succeed in helping yourself and others.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and the follow.

    My best to you and your followers… Jim


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